In this LGA, we can aim to have a tree canopy comparable to Sydney’s North Shore.  We can write to Council & our Councillors requesting that Council:

  • • Not plant tall growing trees directly under power-lines or next to light poles because Energy Australia will only come & lop them.  If you look, a huge percentage of trees in our LGA are heavily lopped by Energy Australia.  It looks ugly & ugliness impacts on real estate value & on our health.
  • • Plant tall growing native street trees in the spaces where there are no powerlines.  This will allow trees to grow freely & develop a decent canopy.
  • • Cut holes into cemented areas along footpaths & plant trees in them.
  • • Replace unsuitable saplings with native tree species that will provide food & habitat for birds & animals.  There are Ring-tail Possums living in our street trees now, yet the trees that are suitable homes for them are being removed at an alarming rate.  Ornamental Cherry & Pear trees, do nothing for our birds & native animals.
  • • Install a simple ag-pipe into the roots of each new tree planted & establish a tree watering system, which will result in less trees dying during drought.
  • • Establish a Significant Tree Registry to keep the few remaining beauties we have.
  • • Establish regular community tree planting events across the LGA.

Red-flowering Gum - loved by nectar-eating birds

We can plant a variety of native trees & plants in our gardens.  We can plant a appropriate bird attracting tree or two in the nature strip outside our residence & water them until they are established & in times of drought.  We can also plant trees in areas we know are wastelands & there are many in our LGA.  We can also plant suitable undergrowth that feeds & supports small birds.

We can join local groups that actively work to help our environment.  There is a list of local groups with contact information in the left-hand column.  We can participate in campaigns to save public trees that are not in our immediate neighbourhood.  Many of you do already & I thank you for this.

You can join the mailing list of Saving Our Trees to receive notification if there is a campaign to save a healthy tree from inappropriate removal. E-mails are not large or frequent.


We can also write to Energy Australia about their street tree management practices.  Their rules look to be iron-clad, but Mosman Council thought they created significant enough damage to their trees & had a public campaign about it.

I know there are many others who feel the same way about trees in this LGA as I do.  I also believe that the Labor, Greens & Independent Councillors in this LGA are also concerned about climate change & are not anti-trees.

People power is a wonderful thing.  If it is done peacefully & with respect, we are more likely to be listened to.  Marrickville Council & the Councillors do many good things for this LGA.  They are always asking for community input when it comes to development & infrastructure.  We just need to show them that we would like input regarding public trees as well.  I am sure that if enough of us do this, we will meet with a positive response.  Everyone will benefit; birds & animals will have homes & food, our health will be better, our property will be worth more, our environment will look nicer & our bills will be less.  Importantly, the change we create now will benefit our children & the environment in the future.